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[CKA] - Rolling update & Roll Back 본문


[CKA] - Rolling update & Roll Back

欲心 2024. 1. 19. 17:54

1. 배포 정책/업데이트 정책
- Rolling update/Rollback
- Canary update
- Blue-Green

2. Rolling update/Rollback
1) kubectl set image

kubebctl set image deploy DEPLOY CONTAINER=버전 --record

2) kubectl edit

3) kubectl apply

3. Rollback

kubectl rollout history deploy DEPLOY
kubectl rollout undo deploy DEPLOY



[선수 작업]

kubectl config set-context k8s --user=kubernetes-admin --cluster=kubernetes




Q. Create a deployments as follows:


작업 클러스터: k8s



name: nginx-app

Using container nginx with version 1.11.10-alpine

The deployment should contain 3 replicas


Next, deploy the application with new version 1.11.13-alpine, by performing a rolling update


Finally, rollback that update to the previous version 1.11.10-alpine



kubectl config use-context k8s

* k8s 클러스터로 변경


kubectl create deploy nginx-app --image=nginx:1.11.10-alpine --replicas=3

* 1.11.10 버전으로 deploy 생성


kubectl set image deployment/nginx-app nginx=nginx:1.11.13-alpine --record

* 1.11.13 버전으로 롤링 업데이트


kubectl rollout status deployment nginx-app

* 상태 확인


kubectl rollout history deployment nginx-app

* 히스토리 확인


kubectl describe deployment/nginx-app

* 변경 내용 확인


kubectl rollout undo deployment nginx-app

* previous 버전으로 롤백


kubectl rollout status deployment nginx-app

* 상태 확인


kubectl get deploy,rs,po -o wide

* 변경 내용 확인






A Deployment manages a set of Pods to run an application workload, usually one that doesn't maintain state.


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